How can we attain emotional equanimity? Therapist shares tips


Emotional equanimity or emotional balance is a way of finding the inner calm and peace and maintaining a composed emotional response to situations and things, especially the challenges and joys of life. Working towards emotional equanimity involves activating mindfulness, practicing calming techniques and finding the inner calm. Explaining this, Therapist Andrea Evgeniou wrote, “Emotional equanimity (a favorite term of mine) is about maintaining a sense of inner calm and balance, allowing for a more measured and thoughtful response to life’s challenges and joys. It’s a key concept in various spiritual and philosophical traditions, including Buddhism, and it plays a significant role in promoting overall well-being, resilience, and growth. Reaching emotional equanimity is a gradual process that involves cultivating mindfulness and developing emotional intelligence. Here are some steps and practices that can help you work toward inner balance.”

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Accepting the emotions: Every emotion is a natural response. Instead of suppressing them and calling them invalid, we should learn to become aware of them and accept them the way they are.

Pause before reaction: The biggest mistake we make when faced with a difficult situation is reacting right there. The healthy way is to take a pause, become aware of the situation and respond to it mindfully.

Observe thoughts: We should learn to practice mindfulness where we can observe and accept our thoughts without being judgmental.

Practice non-attachment: We need to understand that everything is temporary – non-attachment should be practiced by clinging on to positive thoughts or resisting negative thoughts.

Gratitude: The sense of gratitude helps us to maintain emotional balance by shifting our perspective to look at the positive side of life.

Empathy and compassion: Understanding that everyone goes through their set of challenges and difficulties will help us to be more empathetic and compassionate towards them.


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