When in doubt, hug it out: Know the benefits of hugging


Published on Nov 01, 2023 01:29 PM IST

  • From releasing Endorphins to beating loneliness, here are a few benefits of hugging.

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Published on Nov 01, 2023 01:29 PM IST

Hugs are one of the most beautiful ways of expressing love, affection and support. In any relationship bound by emotions, hugs are normal – they also help in strengthening the bond between two people. “Science shows that hugging has many benefits. It strengthens the bond between you and the person you are hugging with. It calms your mind. Oxytocin increases which is good for your heart health. Also, it protects against high stress levels,” wrote Psychologist Alf Lokkertsen. Here are the benefits of hugging noted down by the expert.(Unsplash)

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Hugging helps in reducing the heart rate and making us feel calmer and at ease. (Unsplash)

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Published on Nov 01, 2023 01:29 PM IST

Hugging helps in reducing the heart rate and making us feel calmer and at ease. (Unsplash)

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Hugging helps in the release of Endorphins, thereby giving us the sense of relief from pain. (Unsplash)

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Published on Nov 01, 2023 01:29 PM IST

Hugging helps in the release of Endorphins, thereby giving us the sense of relief from pain. (Unsplash)

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Hugging helps us to feel safe in the company of another person, thereby reducing stress levels. (Unsplash)

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Published on Nov 01, 2023 01:29 PM IST

Hugging helps us to feel safe in the company of another person, thereby reducing stress levels. (Unsplash)

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It creates the space for a healthy relationship with strengthened bond and intimacy. (Unsplash)

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Published on Nov 01, 2023 01:29 PM IST

It creates the space for a healthy relationship with strengthened bond and intimacy. (Unsplash)

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A hug from a person we feel safe with can make the feeling of loneliness go away in a second. (Unsplash)

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Published on Nov 01, 2023 01:29 PM IST

A hug from a person we feel safe with can make the feeling of loneliness go away in a second. (Unsplash)

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Hugs help in release of Oxytocin levels, thereby improving cardiovascular health.(Unsplash)

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Published on Nov 01, 2023 01:29 PM IST

Hugs help in release of Oxytocin levels, thereby improving cardiovascular health.(Unsplash)



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