5 ways to recognise your own patterns of behaviour


Published on Feb 23, 2024 05:02 PM IST

  • From examining recurring themes in thoughts to reflecting on past decisions, here are five ways to recognise our behavioural patterns.


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Published on Feb 23, 2024 05:02 PM IST

In order to implement personal growth, it is important to understand our own behavioural patterns. The actions we take, the decisions we make and the thoughts we have together define us as a person. “These patterns, shaped by experiences, culture, and learning, include how we handle stress, communicate, resolve conflicts, make decisions, and manage time,” wrote Therapist Carolyn Rubenstein. Here are five ways to recognise our own behavioural patterns.(Unsplash)


We need to set a time during the day for self-reflection. This will help in creating more self-awareness and allow us time for corrections. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 23, 2024 05:02 PM IST

We need to set a time during the day for self-reflection. This will help in creating more self-awareness and allow us time for corrections. (Unsplash)


We should pay close attention to the triggers we have; we should delve deeper to understand the origin of those triggers and address them accordingly. (Designecologist)
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Published on Feb 23, 2024 05:02 PM IST

We should pay close attention to the triggers we have; we should delve deeper to understand the origin of those triggers and address them accordingly. (Designecologist)


We should understand the patterns in our thoughts, actions and emotions and try to point out the recurring themes in them. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 23, 2024 05:02 PM IST

We should understand the patterns in our thoughts, actions and emotions and try to point out the recurring themes in them. (Unsplash)


We should note the consistent emotions that influence our actions and consider our reactions in different situations. (Unsplash)
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Published on Feb 23, 2024 05:02 PM IST

We should note the consistent emotions that influence our actions and consider our reactions in different situations. (Unsplash)


We should reflect on the decisions and choices we have made in the past; we should try to understand our patterns in approaching challenges. 
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Published on Feb 23, 2024 05:02 PM IST

We should reflect on the decisions and choices we have made in the past; we should try to understand our patterns in approaching challenges. 


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