5 ways excessive salt intake can impact your health


Published on Aug 31, 2023 06:00 AM IST

  • Salt can creep into your diet in many ways from packaged food to pickles. Too much sodium can raise risk of blood pressure, heart disease and kidney issues.

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Published on Aug 31, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Dr Namita Nadar, Head – Dietetics, Fortis Hospital Noida says excess salt can cause fluid retention, leach calcium from bones, burder kidneys and cause heart issues. Dr Nadar says it’s important to moderate your salt intake.(Pixabay)

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High blood pressure: Consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. (Unsplash)

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Published on Aug 31, 2023 06:00 AM IST

High blood pressure: Consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. (Unsplash)

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Cardiovascular issues: Excess salt can strain the heart and blood vessels, contributing to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular issues.(Unsplash)

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Published on Aug 31, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Cardiovascular issues: Excess salt can strain the heart and blood vessels, contributing to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular issues.(Unsplash)

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Kidney function: High salt intake can burden the kidneys, potentially leading to reduced kidney function and an increased risk of kidney stones.(Shutterstock)

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Published on Aug 31, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Kidney function: High salt intake can burden the kidneys, potentially leading to reduced kidney function and an increased risk of kidney stones.(Shutterstock)

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Fluid retention: Salt causes the body to retain water, leading to bloating and swelling, particularly in the hands, feet, and ankles.(Shutterstock)

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Published on Aug 31, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Fluid retention: Salt causes the body to retain water, leading to bloating and swelling, particularly in the hands, feet, and ankles.(Shutterstock)

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Osteoporosis: Salt can leach calcium from bones, potentially weakening them over time and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. (Freepik)

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Published on Aug 31, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Osteoporosis: Salt can leach calcium from bones, potentially weakening them over time and increasing the risk of osteoporosis. (Freepik)

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Moderating salt intake is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing these potential negative effects.(Shutterstock)

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Published on Aug 31, 2023 06:00 AM IST

Moderating salt intake is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing these potential negative effects.(Shutterstock)



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